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James F. Jackson

James F. Jackson

Mr. James F. Jackson was an only child who grew up during the depression of the 1930's. Although his father had gone no further in school than the 5th grade and his mother the 8th grade, Jackson finished high school and went on to get a degree in the School of Education at Indiana University. However, Jackson had a strong belief that his life would have been better had his parents been better educated.

After his mother passed away, the Peabody Coal Company wanted to buy the farm that his family had called home. Jackson agreed and began to look for ways to invest the money he received. Mr. Richard Walters, who was superintendent of Sullivan County Northeast School Corporation at the time, suggested that he use the money to set up a scholarship fund for students. Jackson was also an educator and saw the value in doing this. He learned that the Wabash Valley Community Foundation was able to get a matching fund from the Eli Lilly Foundation as well.

"I have no descendants for my estate so it was easy for me to donate the Kentucky Farm to the Wabash Valley Community Foundation," Jackson said.

The scholarship fund now helps students in Sullivan and surrounding counties. " I wanted to help students with ability to go to college and become highly educated in chemistry, mathematics, biology, engineering or physics," Jackson said.

The matching fund from Lilly helped set up the Sullivan County Community Foundation.

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